Kalkan Holidays is a holidays rentals listing site for properties listed by the owners direct.
This is a brand new business that came about because the only alternatives for Kalkan property owners were high cost sites and their associated payment charges. An alternative to this was required where owners can communicate easily directly with their visitors, the personal touch.
A website is required where owners can list for an annual fee. Enquiries go to them direct and no money passes through the website. The website should be an information source for holidaymakers with some advertising opportunity for car rental companies, tour companies and the such like. Guests should be able to post property reviews. It should be attractive with lots of fabulous imagery and sell the Kalkan holiday dream.
A new design with large showcase image on the home page to immediately set the scene. Upon loading the page is very simple with the logo, menu and the Kalkan Holidays search. The visitor need not scroll further but should they decide to scroll down more beautiful photos and featured properties will tell them what it is all about. I created the information boxes with a gradient background rather than a flat colour for more depth. The font is Proxima, which is contemporary and easy to read.
The new website design includes comprehensive search, property listings and individual property pages with showcase galleries, maps, availability calendars and a form for visitors to contact the owner directly. People can also write reviews and of course share on social media. There is a full visit Kalkan section where visitors can find out everything they need to know about Kalkan and the surrounding area.
The property upload form enables owners to add their property and all of the required details. They can later edit their listing, availability calendar and photo gallery quite easily with WordPress.