My First Ever Designs

I was looking for something in my files today and I found the website design I did for my coursework when I was at college. The brief was to create a grunge site for a beachside surf restaurant and I came up with this ….

My Surfshack web design

The instructor gave me some good feedback and said I would definitely enjoy a career in design! That was the best thing he could ever have said to me. I was on the right track.

After that I did a degree course at Cornwall College where I learned about design in general, we were asked to design a magazine plus an advert to put on the front and back covers. I thoroughly enjoyed this course and at the end the instructor said I could definitely design. Another one of those positive affirmations that come through life. These positives are easy to forget if you don’t have a great day so it is always good to bring them to the forefront, even if it wasn’t on purpose!

This was my magazine, it was all about the history of the Chocolate Labrador, a subject that is very dear to my heart and was an absolute pleasure to work on. Here are the covers and an internal page.

Such lovely things to look back on, I am glad I didn’t delete the files.

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