Recognising Your Value Proposition

I am sure we can all spend time procrastinating over what our USPs (unique selling points) might be. We so often don’t seem them for ourselves and women can be the worst at recognising their strengths. Someone said something to me the other day and it was a bit of a lightbulb moment…

You are a star, there’s a whole geek fearing market out there that is so ready to embrace the kind and patient woman that you are


If you are not sure what your USPs are, listen to your clients, they will tell you one way or another.

This particualar group of strengths has definitely evolved through years of experience. Taking people from an idea to the enjoyment of having full control of running their own websites. There is no greater job satisfaction than that moment when someone says:

“I love it, it is so easy to use, I can’t believe I can do it myself!”

I am proud to say this happens alot.

Above all, I really care

When I think about it I realise that I do offer a true value in that I take so much time and care to make sure that my clients can use their website.

  • I ensure that every editable area is straightforward and intuitive by creating a bespoke website that my clients will actually enjoy using.
  • I ensure that the website technology does lots for them, resizes their images and slots everything into the right places automatically. Making it all as easy as possible.
  • Make sure they have perfect user guides with text and screenshots to give them a quick start and feel supported every step of the way.
  • Speak to people in plain English, using clear language. I can speak fluent geek and it is important to know that the person you are working with is technically at the top of their game but my clients don’t need to speak geek. They don’t need to be technical or have to turn to Google search every time we have a chat.

The trick is …

Listening to my clients and fully absorbing the responses and feedback I get from them because they are probably telling me every day where my real value lies.

There’s no doubt that good feedback can be translated into USPs.

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