Jan-Eric contacted me because he wanted to build a new personal website designed to showcase his photography and news articles.
The current website design had not been updated for a number of years and much of the technology was out of date. It utilised Flash for photo galleries, which is not generally mobile or tablet friendly. The brief was to provide a showcase for his photography within a website that he could mange and edit himself. A mobile responsive design that was to be contemporary and uncluttered, a photography showcase. Dark backgrounds were the preference for the portfolios. There were stories to be told, family life, business life, a super yacht and a beautiful country mansion.
Jan Eric also wanted to create galleries, articles and news items to share with friends and family; he had heard of WordPress and thought it might be a good fit.
This is a WordPress custom theme design. The home page is a pictorial montage of all of the content sections within the site, a taster for the delights in store. Custom designed graphics include a brand new logo, plus buttons and icons to match the contemporary theme. I selected the Roboto font for the headings and the main body font is Open-Sans. Large image galleries showcase the beautiful photography and portfolio galleries stand out brilliantly against the dark background. Social sharing, email notifications and auto-posting to Facebook enable everyone to stay in touch and keep up to date with what is happening in the lives of Jan-Eric and his family.
The website design is a showcase and mobile friendly. Each area of life is portrayed in different sections of the website. The circular logo graphic contains Jan-Eric’s initials. Building the site on WordPress has been perfect for Jan-Eric, he has found it very easy to use and is now uploading galleries, blog posts and lots of other content on a regular basis. The site works well on all devices from large desktops to the smallest mobiles. The functionality works on all devices.