Great Feedback on My Website Design that Works Workshop

It was my pleasure to present “Websites that Work” to SWIBTribe in Dorchester yesterday. I have done many presentations over the years, particularly when I was in corporate life and have never really enjoyed them, nerves tended to take over. I can honestly say I really enjoyed it yesterday, actually didn’t feel nervous once I got going and enjoyed answering lots of questions.

Putting together workshops is always a challenge because you are never sure about the knowledge level of delegates. So it’s a case of hoping that at least some of your presentation will hit the spot. Being in the techie industry it is probably more important that you don’t talk over their heads with acronyms and language that people would never have heard. I am pleased to say that this presentation went down well and as you can see I got some great feedback.

Thank you Tracey Rickard, your presentation represents just what we are trying to achieve at #SWiB – professional and personal development sessions that add value for women in business and those in corporate organisations too. Oh and of course, lots of fun along the way. #womensupportingwomen #womeninbusiness #swibtribe

The essence of the presentationwas to let people know what to look out for with their website. In a nutshell this covers:

  • Branding and headlines
  • Making sure there are plenty of calls to action
  • Using good quality images and photos
  • Keeping text readable and succinct
  • Social proof – including testimonials and awards
  • Good website navigation on desktop and mobile
  • Including social media links and sharing
  • Tools for retention of visitors e.g. PDF downloads and free gifts
  • Blogging and the huge value in doing it
  • Localising with Google
  • Mobile responsive design
  • Making sure every single element works.
  • Plenty of SEO snippets.

You can have a look at the slides in PDF format here:

SWIB is such a welcoming and friendly group and I look forward to my next workshop in Weymouth in January.

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